Spring — poem, Independence Reporter, March 14, 1918

A limpid smile,
The cooling of countless zephyrs,
Sky-weeping and love and mud and hookey from school;
A boy in love,
A girl, too.
April odors,
May and love
June in the offing
(Blow, breezes, blow)
With Lohengrin or Mendelssohn—what care I?
(Bloom, blossoms, bloom
But ah!
Contemptible mutability!
Winds high and winds shifting to the west and northwest,
Vicious inconsistency,
Catarrh and influenza,
Zero – o – o – o – o.
And then the narrow couch.

                                                              — Anonymous. In the Independence [Kansas] Daily Reporter, March 14, 1918, p 3