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Spanish Influenza in Victoria, Canada, 1918-1920
One city’s experience of the Great Pandemic
Avoiding It like the Plague
A pandemic centenary project
My rescuing angel
I. The origin, spread and character of Spanish Flu
The Haskell County origin story and the other “Haskell” in Kansas
Killer in the Heartland: An Early Epidemic of “Spanish” Flu in Kansas
Spring — poem, Independence Reporter, March 14, 1918
How did the Camp Funston Patient Zero story get started?
Is William Head linked to the place of origin of Spanish Flu?
II Victoria’s experience of the Great Pandemic
Victoria in 1918
Health Care in Victoria in 1918
The plague approaches
Attack and counterattack
Flu ads
Armistice crowds ignore ban
The course of the epidemic
How Victoria fared: a statistical overview
Mortality rates of other cities
Spanish Flu and the rise of public health nursing
Jessie Forshaw, pioneer Canadian public health nurse
III. Victims of the Flu: a Memorial Grove
Albert Roy Maclachlan
William Henry McLaughlin
Ellen Ruth Murphy
Dorothy Pearson Twist
Beulah Fanny Westwood
Survivors’ tales
Do you have a Spanish flu story?
Chronological bibliography of Spanish Flu
Arthur Earle Chandler